The son of a pregnancy resource center director, Seth Gruber was raised in the pro-life movement and has been speaking publicly on behalf of unborn children since the age of 19. He has spoken across the U.S. educating and equipping pro-life advocates to be a gracious and persuasive voice for unborn children. 

Seth travels and speaks in Protestant and Catholic high schools, churches, pro-life training seminars, and for pregnancy resource center banquets, engages in academic debate, and blogs and writes as cultural and political commentator. Seth is also the host of the podcast UnAborted!

First gaining exposure during his college years, Seth founded and directed the Students for Life Club at Westmont College, a Christian liberal arts institution. While there, he conducted educational displays on campus to challenge the institution for their refusal to take a formal position on abortion. During the summer, Seth interned with a pro-life organization in Southern California, where he helped coordinate and conduct educational displays at over 10 universities and engaged with thousands of students on the topic of abortion. Upon graduation, Seth joined Life Training Institute as a pro-life speaker. He is now a nationally renowned speaker for life and is represented by the Ambassadors Speaker Bureau. 

Seth has been featured by World Magazine, American Family Association (AFA), Christian Research Institute, Christianity Today, Life Site News, Live Action News, Students for Life of America, and National Radio Broadcasts.

A compelling and passionate voice for the unborn, Seth Gruber is reaching all generations and is helping change the way that our country thinks about and interacts with abortion.