Ten Questions For Pro-Choicers

Ten Questions For Pro-Choicers

Ever felt like you're constantly on the defensive for holding pro-life beliefs? Well, it's time to join the offense! It is insanely more difficult to hold a coherent pro-choice position than a pro-life one. That's because the pro-choice position is based on fantasies. Pro-life individuals can ask well-formulated questions that cut through the pro-choice ideology and expose the moral bankruptcy of their position.

Pro-Life Evangelicals For Biden Would Have Supported Hitler

Pro-Life Evangelicals For Biden Would Have Supported Hitler

Remember the group, Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden, that formed before the election, in order to defeat the most pro-life president in American history? Well, they've recently announced that they feel "used and betrayed" because the Biden administration did exactly what they promised to do, which is, kill more babies and force us to pay for it. Well, I'm going to argue that these heretics would have supported Hitler for his promise of increasing quality of life for everyone… except Jews.

Pro-Abortion Joe Biden Says He Doesn't Believe Kids Are People

Pro-Abortion Joe Biden Says He Doesn't Believe Kids Are People

Joe Biden admits that he doesn't believe kids are people. And he is packing his cabinet with people who agree. From partial birth abortion cheerleader, Xavier Becerra, to child mutilation advocate, Rachel Levine (who is a man), the Biden administration makes their hatred for kids painfully obvious.

Q & A With Dr. Brent Boles: This OBGYN Destroys Abortion Lies With Facts

Q & A With Dr. Brent Boles: This OBGYN Destroys Abortion Lies With Facts

We recently had the opportunity to speak with our longtime friend, Dr. Brent Boles. Dr. Brent Boles has practiced medicine for 28 years and ran his own OBGYN practice in Nashville, Tennessee. He joins us today for some Q & A to debunk and destroy three of the most deceptive talking points and lies of pro-abortion advocates.

This Abortionist Says The Unborn Isn’t A Human, They're A Human Embryo.

This Abortionist Says The Unborn Isn’t A Human, They're A Human Embryo.

There's this abortionist by the name of Jen Gunter. You may have heard of her before. She's quite popular for being a bit of an infanticidal maniac and abortionist troll on Twitter. She has quite a big following and is a blue check mark baby killer on Twitter. She recently won the Planned Parenthood Lifetime Achievement Award in January of 2021, which, I like to say, in future generations will be known as the “homicide trophy” for literally being responsible for slaughtering innocent human beings that you do so under the mantle of reproductive healthcare.

Black Lives Matter, Inc. Doesn’t Believe All Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter, Inc. Doesn’t Believe All Black Lives Matter

Do all black lives matter or do just some black lives matter? I believe that all black lives matter. The pro-life movement believes that all black lives matter. But the organization Black Lives Matter doesn’t.

You're Not Really Pro-Life Unless... You Oppose Abortion. That's it!

You're Not Really Pro-Life Unless... You Oppose Abortion. That's it!

The End-It Movement is not really pro-freedom. The movement that says they fight to end slavery and human trafficking worldwide is virtually silent on abortion, poverty, homophobia, police brutality, and unjust immigration laws. You can’t be pro-freedom while also picking and choosing whose freedom is worth fighting for. What about the poor, the unborn, people of color, and refugees seeking safety in America?

Confession And Resistance

Confession And Resistance

This month marks 48 years since our Supreme court did what it did many years ago: they found a new class of humans that weren't persons (unborn children) and then denied them the rights of personhood at the federal level.

And it's not the first time Christians have had to fight a genocidal government. It’s been less than a hundred years since the Nazis murdered 6 million Jews. Now that was stopped thanks to America. But where was the German church? Oh, you see, that was “political.”

But there were some voices. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Eberhard Bethge, Martin Niemoller. Members of the Confessing Church in Germany.

Why did they call themselves the confessing church? They were creating a line of demarcation between themselves and the silent shepherds in Germany. They were tacitly saying to other German churches, “If you can't speak up against the genocide of Jewish image bearers, if you can't get involved politically help stop a Holocaust, then I don't know what Christ you're confessing.

A Comprehensive Christianity Is Always Political

 A Comprehensive Christianity Is Always Political

I am fighting for my children’s future. A future where they can live out their faith fully and freely. A future where they can put their faith into every aspect of their life. A future where they won’t have to fear persecution in any form from the government.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.

It must be fought for every day. Americans have become freedom gluttons and that gluttony has turned liberty into libertinism so that we no longer appreciate nor understand our liberty. Liberty is not the freedom to do whatever you want. Liberty is the freedom to do as you ought.

One political party today is committed to ensuring Christians and liberty-loving Americans writ-large won’t be able to do as they ought and won’t be able to live out their faith in every aspect of life.