
For decades, there has been a crying need in the pro-life movement for leaders and speakers who are warm and compassionate, intelligent and articulate about the issue of abortion, and uncompromising in the stand they take. Seth Gruber is such a man. I was deeply moved when I had the honor of hearing him speak recently and I thank God for young people like him. I stand fully and enthusiastically behind his crucial ministry and pray he gets numerous chances to speak, minister and serve on behalf of the life of the unborn human persons in our midst.
— J.P. Moreland, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University, Co-Author of Body and Soul
Seth Gruber is a compelling speaker on behalf of the unborn. He has the rare balance of clear thinking with a compassionate heart. He cares deeply about precious unborn babies, and through stories and insightful examples, he brings the audience right along with him. If you are looking for a speaker to equip and challenge believers to defend the unborn, Seth will do an outstanding job.
— Sean McDowell | PH.d., Author, Professor, Speaker
The greatest injustice of our time is the killing of unborn children through abortion. Sadly, many Christians leaders cave to the cultural pressure and remain silent on the issue, afraid to “risk” controversy. The church needs a new generation of men and women with the courage to reclaim our prophetic voice and serve as the conscience of our nation. And I am so grateful that Seth Gruber is one such individual God has raised up for this cultural moment. With grace and intelligence, Seth speaks courageously for the millions of innocent unborn children who have no voice. He is uncompromising as he addresses the evil of abortion with truth and clarity, yet just as passionate about the love and mercy that God pours out on lives broken by this injustice. His message and ministry are vital for the church in the 21st century.
— Brett Kunkle | Founder and President of MAVEN and co-author of A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World
Seth Gruber has a passion for defending the unborn that is contagious. He shares his position clearly with grace and truth. Seth was able to connect with all different age groups on the subject. Our church greatly benefited from his presentation and were better equipped to be a voice for the voiceless.
— Pastor John Randall | Calvary Chapel San Juan Capistrano
As the current temperature of the pro-abortion movement rises and generations are asking more questions, our heart as a church community felt compelled toward dedicating a Sunday service on the importance of God’s value for the unborn. We chose Seth as our guest speaker due to his passion and unwavering dedication for loving those who cannot speak for themselves. With love as the foundation, he communicated the truth of “loving our unborn neighbor,” and it truly resonated with our people so deeply. An unexpected outcome from our service was a time of healing for both women and men who have suffered from past decisions to abort. Seth’s commitment to stand up for and defend those who cannot defend themselves is contagious! I highly recommend him!
— George Hulse | Lead Pastor, The Shoreline Church (San Clemente, CA)
In a culture full of noise, it’s tempting to tune it all out. But we ignore the voices of the unborn and those who speak on their behalf to our own peril. The virtue of a people is not seen in how we laud the beautiful, the successful or the talented but those among us who are needy, vulnerable and unable to help themselves. Seth is a voice we need to hear for a generation we need to value. Seth’s presentation is clear, compassionate and compelling. Help your people hear what matters most. Seth’s message will help tremendously.
— Ric Rodeheaver | Senior Staff Elder, Christ Community Church (Laguna Hills, CA)
“Seth is a dynamic and engaging speaker on the issue of abortion. He presents arguments for the pro-life position that are difficult to disagree with, but he is also gracious and considerate towards those who have been affected by abortion. Everyone in our student body, including our faculty, came away from his presentation more educated and emboldened to make the case for the unborn’s right to life. He was gracious enough to allow our students to interact with him on a more personal level in a few of our classrooms where many of them were provoked in thought and action having heard his arguments and seeing his passion for the issue.”
— Brandon Imbriale | Vice Principal, Woodcrest Christian High School (Riverside, CA)
Seth Gruber is a passionate and compassionate voice for the unborn. His ministry among our high schoolers was powerful, reasoned, and instructive. The students were challenged to think deeply and Biblically about the value of all human life, born and unborn. Seth’s message is a clarion call, speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves.
— Rob Starke | Campus Pastor, The King's Academy (Sunnyvale, CA)
There are times in our lives when we listen to the sweet sound of God’s voice; the gentle urging, the perfect placement of events, and we commit to doing what he has asked of us. This is exactly what we, at Santa Clara High School, know happened when we accepted Seth Gruber of Life Training Institute’s invitation to come and speak at our school.

Seth has a way with teenagers. He speaks candidly in their language and they listen. His knowledge and defense of the pro-life argument is filled with facts and delivered with both confidence and passion. Students leave the assembly equipped to fight for the unborn and the sanctity of all human life. Seth is so committed to helping this generation stop the genocide of the unborn that he stays all day to meet with smaller groups for an up close question and answer period! The students really loved talking with him during this time. Our teens are being bombarded with societal notions of greed, self-centeredness and false ideas about true love. Seth Gruber, his beautiful wife and their wonderful 15 month old son are proof of God’s goodness and His plan to restore our world to The Way, The Truth and The Light.
— Kathy Mack | Campus Minister, Santa Clara High School (Oxnard, CA)
Seth’s Pro-Life presentation for our high school was both clear and compelling. His ability to speak the truth with compassion on such a vital issue energized our entire student body. Moreover, Seth’s accessibility to students in the smaller classroom setting throughout the day was invaluable for those who wanted to push back on these issues or dig deeper in their understanding. He was gracious, yet passionate and truly created an authentic connection with each class.
— Jeff Ward | Bible Department Head, Bakersfield Christian High School
Recently, Seth Gruber spoke in a chapel at Upland Christian Academy on the merits of the Pro-Life position. His presentation was clear, concise, and winsome. Our students left the chapel better equipped and more knowledgeable. Most importantly, the students learned how to make a case for the Pro-Life view in an attractive manner. After the chapel, Seth took time to meet with the faculty to give suggestions about how we can change our culture and serve in the Pro-Life arena. It was a great experience all around.
— Gabriel Pagel | Bible Chair, Upland Christian Academy (Rancho Cucamonga, CA)
Seth Gruber spoke about the sanctity of life at one of the chapels at our school — Crean Lutheran High School. Seth’s message was very biblically sound and his argumentation for the defense of life was flawless. He was willing to stay for over an hour afterwards to speak with those that had further questions about his presentation. He answered every question logically and biblically. I was very pleased with his strong defense of the unborn. God Bless this ministry.
— Timothy Unke | Campus Pastor, Crean Lutheran High School (Irvine, CA)
I was a little concerned that Seth’s young age might prohibit him from connecting with our older donor base. My concern dissipated as I observed him comfortably interacting with Banquet guests. From the moment he opened his mouth, everyone was engaged. I doubt anyone even left the room to use the bathroom!! I believe God has raised this young man up for such a time as this. His ability to graciously and concisely communicate the horrifying reality of what abortion is, what our responsibility is, and give simple (but profound), logical ways to combat abortion, is a breath of fresh air.

One donor said, “Thanks for having a speaker that took the gloves off! We are better for it!”

Banquet attendees, board members, staff, and volunteers all agree that Seth’s presentation was the most helpful they had ever heard. Three months later people are still telling me what an impact he had on them. For the first time, they feel they have enough information to interact intelligently for life. On top of that, he raised 100% more than our previous year. Undeniably the most ever.
— Wendy Merrill | Executive Director, First Choice Pregnancy Center (Waterville, ME)
Seth knocked it out of the park at our annual fundraising banquet last week. He was articulate, engaging and related to every age group in attendance. His obvious passion to speak on behalf of the unborn and encourage Christians to be more involved in standing up for pro-life issues was infectious and encouraging.

He went from the presentation to the pledge challenge seamlessly. This banquet turned out to be our best fundraiser ever! With out a doubt, I highly recommend Seth as your next banquet or event speaker. Act quickly, because I am sure this young man is becoming very much in demand.
— Mary Ann Ambroselli | Executive Director, Ventura County Pregnancy Center
Regardless of the occasion, Seth has an amazing gift for clearly communicating a persuasive argument against abortion, while at the same time equipping the pro-life movement to make that same argument in tangible ways. Seth isn’t just interested in displaying an air-tight argument against abortion - which he does flawlessly - he is perhaps even more interested in giving his listeners the tools to become as well-versed on this issue as he is. He does so in bite-sized pieces that are easily remembered and easily applied to any conversation surrounding abortion. I invited Seth to come speak at our fundraising banquet for our pregnancy center, and one of the most amazing aspects of our experience with him was that he stayed in close communication with us before our event and even reached out to other pro-life groups, universities, and schools in our area to maximize his time in our state. He ended up speaking at two universities, several high schools, and a few other pro-life group events. At our banquet, he went around to every table (35 tables!) and shook hands with everyone BEFORE the banquet - many supporters said they hadn’t ever experienced that from a speaker before. Seth is the real deal, not just because he is eloquent and persuasive - but because he genuinely cares for the unborn and their mothers. He doesn’t just talk about how abortion is the greatest human rights violation, he lives like it is.
— Sarah Herzberg | Executive Director, Fyndout Free Pregnancy Center (Fairbanks, AK)
We just had our banquet a few days ago and had Seth Gruber. AMAZING! He hit one out of the ballpark! Almost EVERY single response card commented on him as their favorite part of the event. One man wrote that he was pro-choice but that Seth’s presentation changed him to pro-life.

He was clear, articulate, engaging and compassionate. He also did the appeal. He did a great job on that, too, transitioning seamlessly from the presentation to the ask. He stayed on time and he was readily available to connect with us before the event. I think once the word gets out he will be in high demand.
— Jeanette Kuiphof | President, Women's Pregnancy Care Clinic (Whittier, CA | Pasadena, CA)
Seth Gruber is as exceptional in communicating pro-life apologetics as he is a young man. I have had the privilege of knowing Seth throughout his college career as President of the Right to Life Club (started by Seth; the first ever at Westmont College) and as a volunteer for our medical clinic. He is articulate, passionate, compelling and winsome. The tools he imparts to his audience are not only practical and necessary in defending the sanctity of human life with clarity, intelligence and science, but one would be hard-pressed to argue his point with any e cacy. Seth’s message was received with enthusiasm when he was the Keynote Speaker for a past event and we are definitely planning to have him again.
— Betsy Gray | Executive Director, Network Medical Women's Center (Santa Barbara, CA)
“Seth Gruber brought a message at our annual banquet that was clear, engaging and impacting. Our audience left with a view of the preborn that they may have never thought of before. Not only did our guests comments that Seth was the best speaker we have had to date, but we also raised more money than all of our previous banquets! I can’t say enough good things about Seth – from the first interaction of him reaching out to learn about our ministry, to seeing him interact and engage with our guests at the banquet – it was a great experience all around. He was easy to work with, transparent early on about how he would present and flexible with our limited technology. People will leave your event with a stronger voice for the unborn. If you want to impact all generations, Seth is your guy!”
— Amanda Patterson | Executive Director, Alpha House Pregnancy Resource Center (Bolivar, MO)
Seth Gruber surpassed all of our expectations at our Fundraising Gala! As a pro-life speaker, he not only engaged the crowd, but gave practical tools to help us defend the unborn lives. He effectively challenged our donors to give. Our monthly pledges far exceeded commitments from previous years. Our guests praised this year’s keynote speaker and stated it was our best yet! We can highly recommended Seth Gruber to be your guest speaker at any event/fundraiser!
— Jaleen Robinson | Director, Pregnancy Help Clinic (Clarksville, AR)
It is with great enthusiasm we recommend Seth Gruber as a banquet or other event speaker. Seth is an articulate and engaging speaker whose appeal to our guests was all at once articulate and compelling, ending with Seth writing out his own check to the ministry. Seth’s presentation was both interesting and academic, appealing to a wide range of people.

While Seth was hired for his ability to clearly articulate both the vision and needs of pro-life organizations, his time spent speaking at a local school, and his ability to engage guests both before and after our banquet will have long term results in the success of our ministry to unborn babies and their parents. Seth is more than a gifted speaker, he is a young man raised in the pro-life movement with a heart for the unborn and their families, and a heart for Jesus Christ too!
— Bridgit Smith | Executive Director, Pregnancy Care Center of Lawrence, KS