Seth Gruber is a professional public speaker focused on equipping Christians and pro-life advocates to make a gracious, winsome, and persuasive case of their pro-life beliefs in the public square. His approach, while not shying away from the moral question of abortion, focuses on giving you the tools you need to effectively and lovingly engage your co-workers, friends, and family members on the issue of abortion. 


 Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the complexities of the abortion issue? Start your journey here towards becoming a voice for the unborn children in your midst.



Seth speaks in schools, churches, pregnancy center banquets, and conferences equipping people to defend life and engage the culture! A lightning rod for LIFE, Seth’s message is filled with truth, grace and a game-plan to end abortion in our communities and country!



Seth engages in academic debate on university campuses with pro-choice advocates addressing the question whether abortion is a moral right or moral wrong. For pro-life clubs on college campuses, hosting a debate is often the best way to draw a large crowd…


Seth will help train and equip your pro-life organization! Seth will take your team from amateur activists to professional apologists! Seth is available on a contractual basis for ongoing training. Take the weight of training off your shoulders so you can stay focused on your main goal!


Podcast - UnAborted with Seth Gruber


About Seth…

I was 18 years old when I first saw what abortion does to an unborn human being. Though raised in a pro-life family, and the son of a former pregnancy center director, I had never seen the horror that abortion represents.

A historic truth, known to all social reformers and abolitionists soon became clear to me: When injustice is hidden, it is tolerated.

I have committed my life to exposing the evil of abortion, equipping the Church and the next generation to defend life, and fighting to end the greatest genocide in human history: Abortion.