Ten Questions For Pro-Choicers

Ever felt like you're constantly on the defensive for holding pro-life beliefs? Well, it's time to join the offense! It is insanely more difficult to hold a coherent pro-choice position than a pro-life one. That's because the pro-choice position is based on fantasies. Pro-life individuals can ask well-formulated questions that cut through the pro-choice ideology and expose the moral bankruptcy of their position.

  1. In 2002 in California, Scott Peterson murdered his pregnant wife Laci and was charged with two counts of murder and is now on death row. Why wasn’t it okay for Scott Peterson to kill his unborn child, but would have been perfectly fine had Lacey wanted to?

  2. Many women in China and India are deliberately having ultrasonography examinations for the purpose of identifying and eliminating unwanted female fetuses (gendercide). Since you claim to be an advocate of women’s rights and have acknowledged that the unborn is a human being, do you have any problem with this?

  3. What’s the fundamental difference between the unborn human and the newborn human that leads you to believe that women should have the choice to end the life of their unborn offspring, but not their newborn offspring?

  4. A 2007 New York Times article reported that the majority of unborn children (90% according to some studies) diagnosed with down syndrome through genetic testing are aborted. Do you have any problem with this given its similarity with the eugenics movement, the slow and deliberate elimination of those our society deems "unfit" to live?

  5. Dr. William R. White, Director of Neurosurgery & Brain Research at Case Western University testified before the Constitution Subcommittee on June 15, 1995, “The fetus within this time frame of gestation, 20 weeks and beyond, is fully capable of experiencing pain. Without doubt, a partial-birth abortion is a dreadfully painful experience for any infant."

    Should unborn babies scheduled for abortion be given the benefit of anesthesia to ease the pain of dismemberment?

  6. ABC News once ran a story about a woman whose father was suffering from Parkinson’s Disease.  Having heard that brain cells from aborted babies could be used to treat the disease, she sought to conceive a child for the express purpose of aborting it four months later so its body parts could be used to treat her father. Do you see anything wrong with this?

  7. CBS News reported in May of 2019 that baby Saybie, who was born in December 2018 at 23 weeks and weighing just 8.6 ounces (the weight of an apple) has been released home. The San Diego hospital worked heroically to save baby Saybie’s life and succeeded.  Why should it be wrong to kill baby Saybie at 23 weeks, but okay to kill a fetus in utero at 28 weeks?

  8. Recently deceased abortionist Ulrich Klopfer was found to have kept over 2200 babies that he had aborted from the early 2000’s, stored in plastic bags in his garage and preserved with a biological material. Is there anything wrong with this?

  9. In January of 2019, New York legalized abortion through the day of birth. And Doe v. Bolton makes it clear that a woman can get an abortion at any point during the pregnancy if it is an issue of “…physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman’s age – relevant to the well-being of the patient. All these factors relate to health.” Do you believe a woman should have the moral and legal right to get an abortion in the 9th month –  a day before her due date?

  10. Planned Parenthood has repeatedly and excitedly accepted donations earmarked specifically for aborting black babies by callers who stated, “there are too many blacks,” “I don’t want my kids to face struggles with affirmative action,” and “the less black people, the better.”

    Is there anything wrong with using abortion as a tool of racism, fulfilling Margaret Sanger’s dream of less black people?

Seth Gruber

Seth Gruber is the West Coast Director of Life Training Institute, and a professional pro-life speaker. Seth speaks in schools, churches, pregnancy resource center banquets, and conferences equipping people to defend life and engage the culture! He is also the host of UnAborted with Seth Gruber, a pro-life podcast that translates pro-abortion rhetoric into reality and equips listeners to defend life!